Pace 2000 logo

Who We Are

PACE 2000 is a Franco-Canadian organization which was incorporated as a non-profit organization July 7, 1992 and registered as a Canadian charity organization #0955708-01 on the first of January, 1993.

PACE 2000 is represented in France by the association created on October 24, 2016.

PACE is an acronym for:
Programs for Autonomy and Communication for the Elderly.

Click here to visit the legacy PACE 2000 website where you will find archived News and Event reports going back to 1999.


The overall mission of the PACE 2000 International Foundation is to promote new solutions linking young people and the elderly. Providing Intergenerational programs with regular interactions with the aims of transforming their lives and enriching the cultural heritage of each generation.

Furthermore, the objectives are:

  • To promote intergenerational communication and support, including frail seniors and youth with special needs using innovative communication tools.
  • To facilitate seniors’:
    • Autonomy, by joining telemobility programs,
    • Entrepreneurship, by using telementoring programs
    • for the benefit of young and older generations

    How we Serve


    PACE 2000 has developed a modern secure videoconferencing application for face-to-face interations without the technology barriers typical of videoconferencing applications. We call it PACE-2-Face™

    Using PACE-2-Face™, an accessible, user-friendly "four dimensional, 4D” interface, consisting of :

    1. Audio
    2. Video
    3. Concomitant and symmetric document and applications sharing
    4. Co-Edition of texts

    and senoirs can use PACE-2-Face™ without the need of an attending third party.

    An excellent and highly inclusive solution to empower older adults to engage in entrepreneurship and promote intergenerational collaboration.

    The PACE-2-Face™ solution has been thoroughly tested and the application and associated managed partner-pairing program demonstrated great knowledge of the needs, wishes and aspirations of older adults and of youth of varying socio-economical backgrounds.

    Since its creation, the PACE 2000 Foundation has therefore developed new urbanization and virtual community tools, in particular thanks to new communication technologies.



    The consecration ceremony of Ghislaine Alajouanine as Commander of the Legion of Honor of France was held on October 16, 202,. One of his supporters alongside: Dr Marie-Madeleine Bernard, Grand Medal of Honour from the Francophone Academy of Telemedicine and e-Sant.

    PACE 2000 has been selected as semi-finalist in the European Ambient Assisted Living, AAL "Smart Living" competition

    The PACE-2-Face coordinated intergenerational telementoring app is available for use by persons participating in our telementoring programs You can register by completing the registration form   HERE